We will be discussing Data, Analytics, and BI in the reporting of Covid-19. How news and agencies promoted unactionable stats that caused confusion and what they should have done instead.
Getting your first job or changing roles

Experience required. But how am I supposed to get experience if I can’t get a job in that role?! It’s a frustration for both people coming out of school or trying to change roles. There is no secret to overcoming these obstacles, but here are some tips that might help you, whether this is your […]
career development, career path, job search, new hireHome video studio for webcasts and meetings

I’ve had a requests to share my home office and video studio setup. Part one covers the equipment I’m using or recommend. Part 2 will be the office setup. I focused on value and budget. If you have an unlimited budget, hire someone with video production to setup your dream studio. For everyone else, here […]
office setup, podcasting, video broadcasts, video studioSoftware Development Times: Around the industry… predictions for 2021
Honored to be a part of the SD Times 2021 predictions.Link to full article: https://sdtimes.com/softwaredev/around-the-industry-predictions-for-2021/ Hans Eckman, principal research director, Info-Tech Research GroupDevOps will follow the path of ‘BADgile,’ becoming Dev-‘Oops.’ Many teams are mistakenly ‘Doing Agile’ rather than ‘Being Agile,’ and have ended up with what I like to call BADgile. The same affliction also impacts […]