Every week we hear about someone who has an embarrassing social post come back to haunt them. Even worse, this can lead to a loss of employment or being “canceled”. You need to actively manage your social image and reputation at all times. Wait! We have freedom of speech! Yes, but that does not mean […]
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Quick Tip: Virtual eye contact made easier

Learn how to make better virtual eye contact by simply adjusting your camera and conferencing app position .
presentation videos, presentations, video, video calls, video conferencing, video studio, virtual facilitationQuick Guides – Tips, news, and rants

Short videos with tips, tricks, current news, and silly rants. View playlist on YouTube.
Quick guidesRecommended Reading List for Business Professionals

This is not a comprehensive list, but my top recommendations for business and IT professionals. I’m working on a detailed post on each one and why it is important. Switch: How to Change Things When Change Is Hard by Chip Heath, Dan Heath The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Leadership Fable by Patrick Lencioni […]
books, personal development, professional development, recommended readingYouTube Playlists

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Conference videos, playlist, presentation videos, video series, videos, Youtube, YouTube Playlist20210513 When Plan A fails, and you have no Plan B with Coach Vic

Sometimes life seems to have a perfect path laid out for you. You know exactly where you are going and how to get there. And the, well life happens and throws us a curveball. Often we are so focused in our personal or professional lives on our “Plan A”, we’re lost when Plan A doesn’t […]
career path, career planning, plan a, purposeGetting your first job or changing roles

Experience required. But how am I supposed to get experience if I can’t get a job in that role?! It’s a frustration for both people coming out of school or trying to change roles. There is no secret to overcoming these obstacles, but here are some tips that might help you, whether this is your […]
career development, career path, job search, new hireHome video studio for webcasts and meetings

I’ve had a requests to share my home office and video studio setup. Part one covers the equipment I’m using or recommend. Part 2 will be the office setup. I focused on value and budget. If you have an unlimited budget, hire someone with video production to setup your dream studio. For everyone else, here […]
office setup, podcasting, video broadcasts, video studio