Whether in our professional or personal lives, we are challenged by unplanned setbacks, emergencies, or events. We don’t know the form they may take, but we can plan and overcome types of events when they happen. On this podcast, I’m joined by Columbus Brown who will share his tips and lessons from his professional career […]
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Intro to prepping series: How to get started, form a plan, and start becoming better prepared for undesirable events

Join Michael Bathurst and I as we discuss ways to become better prepared for disasters and unplanned events. We can’t be prepared for everything, but we’ll share pragmatic advice for how you can be a little better informed and ready when the next unfortunate event hits. This is not crazy, doomsday prepping, but rather a […]
disaster, Disaster preparedness, Emergency preparedness, prepper, prepping, zombies20210325 Living the RV life with AC Chan

Imagine downsizing your family to an RV and travelling North America. A.C. Chan and family made this transition well before it became popular during COVID. So what is it like to live and work when you can move your house? What prompted the change? AC will share his experiences and advice for anyone curious or interested in […]
RV, telework, virtual work, working remote, working virtually20210126 How agencies should have reported COVID data

We will be discussing Data, Analytics, and BI in the reporting of Covid-19. How news and agencies promoted unactionable stats that caused confusion and what they should have done instead.
analytics, bi, data, data insights, public healthHome video studio for webcasts and meetings

I’ve had a requests to share my home office and video studio setup. Part one covers the equipment I’m using or recommend. Part 2 will be the office setup. I focused on value and budget. If you have an unlimited budget, hire someone with video production to setup your dream studio. For everyone else, here […]
office setup, podcasting, video broadcasts, video studioPreparing for the next spike in COVID Cases and extended WFH

A few thoughts on preparation for the next wave of outbreak and panic. If we have a large uptake in COVID cases, we will probably also see more hoarding. Buying a little extra each time will spread out spending and allow stores to restock. If an online store allows backordered purchases, you can always cancel […]
business continuity, preppingEmotional Fitness – A Quick Guide to Surviving a Crisis

After 9/11, a friend started struggling with high levels of stress and near panic attacks. Although they were not personally impacted by the events themselves, they fell victim to the never-ending barrage of 24 hour news reports, speculation, and fear. Everything in the news was so dark and negative that it took them along for […]
crisis, planningPrepping for the Zombie Apocalypse – or just being better prepared for disasters

If you are new to prepping and disasters, I extracted the appendix from my “Can the Zombie Apocalypse help you survive your IT projects?” presentation. It contains guidance on the stages of a disaster, 3 and 30 day survival kit lists, and references if you want to learn more.
bug-in, coronavirus, disaster., prepping, survival, zombie