We weren’t able to meet in person, but that means everyone benefits. All Dragon Con programming is free and open to the public. Here are the panels we hosted for the Apocalypse Rising track. We hope you enjoy the it so much that you’ll join us in person next year. The same link works for the live broadcast and watching a recording.
If you follow Dragon Con and Apocalypse Rising on Facebook, some panels will have the experts answering comments during the first airing of the video. Some of our videos are running on the main Dragon Con programming schedule and others are Facebook Live events.
Apocalypse Rising YouTube channel
Discord Channel #apocalypse-rising-track (in the “Westin”)
Reversing the SNAP – Would Humanity Survive the Return? (Friday 6:00 PM EDT)
Five years after Thanos eliminated 50% of all humans with the Snap, the Avengers brought them all back. Could we survive their return? Our panel will discuss whether and how communities could survive if 50% of all life suddenly returned. Panelists: Robert Hampson, Hawkings Austin, Terry Robinson, Gail Z. Martin (AR)
FB Event (Discussion Section)
CONspiracy 2020: Year of the Apocalypse? (Friday 9:15 PM EDT)
Join us for a fun-filled round table discussion of today’s most popular conspiracy theories. Put on your tin foil hats and BYOB, fellow conspiracy theorists. Let’s talk about the weirdness that could make 2020 the Year of the Apocalypse!
YouTube Video
Pandemic! We Wanted Zombies, Not Face Masks (Saturday 8:00 AM EDT)
Sadly, not all pandemics can involve zombies. But, zombies or not, they can impact our behaviors. What future behaviors – good and bad – are we establishing now, and how are they varying by geography? Our panelists discuss those topics, as well as how pandemics can affect personal preparedness. Panelists: Jonathan Sarge, Dorothy Lowry, Mika McKinnon, George Cavender (AR)
FB Event (Discussion Section)
Can the Zombie Apocalypse Help You Survive Your IT projects? (Saturday at 2:15 PM EDT)
If a zombie outbreak happened tomorrow, would you be ready? What happens when you find yourself in another death-march project or client? We learn the most valuable and long-lasting lessons when we face and overcome impossible situations, and what is more impossible than a zombie apocalypse?Using disaster preparedness as a backdrop, we will demonstrate the importance of root cause analysis, process analysis, risk mitigation, project scoping, business rules, and implementation planning as foundations for overcoming impossible project challenges. You will learn how the same warning signs and steps needed to survive common disasters like storms can help you develop survival skills during critical project phases. In reverse, you will learn how your IT project skills can be applied to daily situations to improve your competency and have a better balanced life.
Download presentation and handout
Prepper vs Prepper: Bugging Out Panel Time (Saturday 7:00 PM EDT)
When you can’t ride out the storm at home you need to grab you go bag and get the heck out of dodge. But what should your go bag contain? Our resident experts go toe-to-toe to discuss the pros and cons of things you might have in your bag, as well a let you know about some of their favorite items.
Apocalyptic Throwdown: Aliens vs Zombies (Sunday 2:00 AM EDT)
That most ancient of debates returns! Our panelists will
randomly select a location and apocalyptic scenario, put their
fighting gloves on, and debate who would be victorious… Aliens
or Zombies! Panelists: Jonathan Sarge, Jeff Burns, Maris Wolf,
Alison Richards, Christopher Woods (AR)
For Survival – Food Stocks: Beyond MREs
Dr. Rob “Speaker” Hampson and company discuss food! Where are you going to get your food, what are you going to stock, how you should store it, and more.
For Survival – First Aid: What’s in YOUR kit?
Dr. Rob “Speaker” Hampson and company discuss first aid and what’s in their first aid kits. What do they recommend you have, and what don’t you really need.