ProjectSummit*BusinessAnalystWorldOctober 21-24, 2024, Boston, MA, Boston Marriott Burlington Hotel In user surveys by VersionOne each year, over 80% of respondents claim faster delivery, better teamwork, and closer stakeholder alignment. However in quantitative studies, Agile is no better than other delivery methodologies. Wait, WHAT?!!! Why is that? Companies are moving to DevOps, BusDevOps, DevSecOps, SalesBusDevSupportSecRinseRepeatOps (and […]
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20241021 PSBAW Boston – Psychological Safety: The Secret Ingredient to High-Performing Teams

ProjectSummit*BusinessAnalystWorldOctober 21-24, 2024, Boston, MA, Boston Marriott Burlington Hotel Do you ever hesitate to share your ideas in team meetings? Psychological Safety is essential because it empowers employees to take risks and experiment, fostering innovation and propelling the company’s growth. This session explores psychological safety, the key ingredient for building high-performing teams. (Special thanks to […]
best practices, High-Performing Teams, leadership development, Psychological SafetyPsychological Safety:The Secret Ingredient to High-Performing Teams

Do you ever hesitate to share your ideas in team meetings? Psychological Safety is essential because it empowers employees to take risks and experiment, fostering innovation and propelling the company’s growth. This session explores psychological safety, the key ingredient for building high-performing teams. (Special thanks to our friend and mentor, Coach Clinton Ages, for this […]
best practices, High-Performing Teams, leadership development, Psychological SafetyImproving from the Inside: Creating positive change without authority

Take a second and think of three things you’d change in your org if you could make them magically happen. You found multiple things that could be better in less than five seconds. Ideas aren’t the problem, implementing them is. Although it feels like changes can only be made top-down, we can influence and improve […]
best practices, leadership, leadership development, organizational change management, Process improvement, professional developmentCommunicating with Confidence

How to improve your public speaking skills and become more persuasive with both your teammates and senior executives. Did you know people are more afraid of public speaking than they are of spiders, heights, and the dark? Yet communication is a crucial skill that everyone needs to have, whether you’re influencing peers, managing your leadership […]
best practices, communicating up, communication skills, leadership, leadership development, presentation skills, professional development, reporting20221014 IBADD – 7 Agile and DevOps Insights I Wish I Knew Earlier

IBADD 2022: Small Pieces. Big Picture., October 14th, 2022 In user surveys by VersionOne each year, over 80% of respondents claim faster delivery, better teamwork, and closer stakeholder alignment. However in quantitative studies, Agile is no better than other delivery methodologies. Wait, WHAT?!!! Why is that? Companies are moving to DevOps, BusDevOps, DevSecOps, SalesBusDevSupportSecRinseRepeatOps (and […]
agile, best practices, BusDevOps, DevOps, DevSecOps20221107 PSBAW Washington, DC – BA: First line of defense against a security breach

PROJECTSUMMIT*BUSINESSANALYSTWORLD, NOVEMBER 7-9, 2022WASHINGTON, DC • THE WESTIN ARLINGTON GATEWAY Aren’t you glad you weren’t the reason customer data was lost?! Well, maybe you are. If security isn’t built into your systems from the beginning, it is very difficult to add it later. You owe it to your customers and employees to learn the security […]
access management, best practices, Business Analysis, business analyst, business architecture, data breach, non-functional requirements, security, user authentication20220920 PW/BAW Vancouver – 7 Agile and DevOps Insights I Wish I Knew Earlier

Project World/Business Analyst World Vancouver, BC, September 19-21 In user surveys by VersionOne each year, over 80% of respondents claim faster delivery, better teamwork, and closer stakeholder alignment. However in quantitative studies, Agile is no better than other delivery methodologies. Wait, WHAT?!!! Why is that? Companies are moving to DevOps, BusDevOps, DevSecOps, SalesBusDevSupportSecRinseRepeatOps (and the […]
agile, best practices, BusDevOps, DevOps, DevSecOps