If a zombie outbreak happened tomorrow, would you be ready? What about if you start a death-march project? We learn the most valuable and long lasting lessons when we face and overcome impossible situations. Using disaster preparedness as a backdrop, we will show the importance of root cause analysis, process analysis, risk mitigation, project scoping, business rules, and implementation planning as foundations for overcoming impossible project challenges.
- Learn how your PM, BA and process improvement expertise can be used to decompose even the most challenging situations
- Discover why situational awareness and problem definition can have the biggest impact to project success or failure
- Leave with a way to apply and refine your skills outside work while building a plan to survive 3 days, 3 weeks or 3 months
Wednesday October 16th at 6PM, 7000 Central Parkway, Atlanta, GA 30328
- Download presentation: 20131016_Zombie_AtlantaSPIN
- Download handout: 20131016_Zombie_AtlantaSPIN_print