Project World/Business Analyst World Vancouver, BC, September 19-21 What does it take to become a great leader? In J.K. Rowling’s amazing book series, Harry Potter finds himself rejoining the wizarding world only to discover he has a legend to live up to. Each year Harry and his friends faced a new series of challenges they had to overcome. They rise to achieve their […]
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20220413 PSBAW Orlando – Harry Potter and Workshop of Leadership Secrets

What does it take to become a great leader? In J.K. Rowling’s amazing book series, Harry Potter finds himself rejoining the wizarding world only to discover he has a legend to live up to. Each year Harry and his friends faced a new series of challenges they had to overcome. They rise to achieve their full potential and become heroes of their own stories. Your own has […]
Harry Potter, leadership, leadership development, Strength finder, teams, TeamworkHarry Potter and Workshop of Leadership Secrets

What does it take to become a great leader? In J.K. Rowling’s amazing book series, Harry Potter finds himself rejoining the wizarding world only to discover he has a legend to live up to. Each year Harry and his friends faced a new series of challenges they had to overcome. They rise to achieve their full potential and become heroes of their own stories. Your own has […]
Harry Potter, leadership, leadership development, Strength finder, teams, Teamwork20210909 PSBAW – Achieve More by Doing Less

t Summit / Business Analyst World Orlando – September 8-10, 2021 There aren’t enough hours in the day. There’s too much work to do. I can’t keep up between work, family, and myself. Everything is a top priority. Everything is already late. I’m never going to catch up. Work smarter. Work harder. Work longer. This […]
automation, best practices, leadership, leadership development, Process improvement, professional development, simplificationAchieve More by Doing Less

There aren’t enough hours in the day. There’s too much work to do. I can’t keep up between work, family, and myself. Everything is a top priority. Everything is already late. I’m never going to catch up. Work smarter. Work harder. Work longer. This is why so many of our teammates are walking the line […]
automation, best practices, leadership, leadership development, Process improvement, professional development, simplification20210909 PSBAW – Harry Potter and the Presentation of Secrets: 7 Leadership Lessons

Project Summit / Business Analyst World Orlando – September 8-10, 2021 Do the circumstances make the leader or do great leaders make the circumstances? In J.K. Rowling’s amazing book series, Harry Potter finds himself rejoining the wizarding world only to discover he has a legend to live up to. Each year Harry and friends faced […]
Harry Potter, leadership, leadership development, Strength finder, teams, TeamworkLeadership in the ranks with Glenn Brule

Only managers lead is one of the biggest fallacies and constraints teams place on themselves. Instead, what if we developed leaders within our team. Today I’m joined by Glenn Brule, a thought leader, change agent, and a force for team empowerment. Glenn will be sharing why developing front line leaders is critical to team success, […]
empowerment, leadership, leadership development, personal development, professional developmentCommander’s Intent

In many of my presentations and coaching engagements, I always seem to come back to Commander’s Intent when discussing Servant Leadership. After wrapping a call, I shared a link to an excellent article discussing this concept and how to apply it. Here’s an excerpt from the article about Commander’s Intent and its origin, followed by […]
command and control, Commander's Intent, leadership, leadership development, micromange, servant leadership