Over the years I’ve watched far too many good people leave their team or stop doing their best work because of a bad manager. In fact, research shows that the number one reason an employee quits is their manager. (https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/249903) This doesn’t include the loss or productivity for teams under a bad manager. As my […]
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7 Leadership Secrets from Battle School

For managers, authority is assigned and leadership assumed, but there are big differences between management and leadership. Leadership must be demonstrated and authority earned through trust and respect. Many employees feel frustrated that they aren’t in a position to be leaders, and they often feel alone and underappreciated. In “Ender’s Game” by Orson Scott Card, […]
best practices, leadership, leadership development, management20160223 Atlanta IIBA – 7 Leadership Secrets from Ender Wiggin (Ender’s Game)
Greater Atlanta Chapter of the IIBA Monthly Chapter Meeting – February 23, 2016, 6:30pm to 8:30pm For managers, authority is assigned and leadership assumed, but there are big differences between management and leadership. Leadership must be demonstrated and authority earned through trust and respect. Many employees are frustrated that they aren’t in a position to be leaders, […]
leadership, leadership development, managementDear John, The Importance of a Work Spouse

We’re all familiar with the value of training, mentors, and coaches for professional development, but have you ever considered that a work spouse may be even more important? Just what is a work spouse, you ask? Work spouses are a mutually beneficial relationship based on sharing stories, honest feedback, and some common ground. But why […]
coaching, leadership, leadership development, management, mentoring